Nothing right now is that good. Music is not that good but ok, graphics are pretty bad and gameplay is good at most. I DO NOT intend to keep the game this way. Everything here right now is subject to change. If you do not like it now please feel free to come back later in like open beta or something it will probably be much better.

 All of this was made with construct 3 an online browser engine for developing games.

Some of the credit goes to them as I used there tools in order to make this project erm game.

link to download or use construct 3 will be below:

(Also sorry for the 2 at the end of the file name I had some trouble and forgot to delete it.)


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maybe put a box so that you dont fly out the screen

By the way I don't know if construct 2 at least free edition is required to run this game. If you actually see this please tell me if it is or isn't that way I can update the games page accordingly.

Sorry I know the "game" isn't that great compared to others right now. Still hope you enjoy it though